Sunday, July 19, 2009

Vanity of vanities

Agree it or not, all about this life are truly vanities. Everything that we are doing and trying to do; we have done it before. And every single time, we are creating something to actually eliminate it.

Just mention some of it: we eat, yet we will get hungry again, and then eat again. We wake up in the morning to do our things during the day, before then comes the time for us to sleep again and wake up again the next morning. We shower to get clean, but then we dirt ourselves up again and wash again. We are cooking some food, to actually consume it, and cook again the next time. And on and on and on; our lives are all about cycles. And they are unending cycles.

And I believe, no matter how adventurous we might say our lives are, we will still get trapped into this one inevitable thing called routine. The fact is that, that is life. Life is meant to be in cycles, and almost everything you can recall always go in cycles: seasons, days, years, how water goes about the earth, the clothes you are wearing day after day, taking baths, sleep, etc.

But among all those routines that we cannot change, let us know what really matters in our lives the most. What can make those routines become a purposeful routine for us, so that every single time -no matter how in vain this life can be, we can still turn to it and say, 'thank God I've got you.' And for me, it is love.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
- Maya Angelou

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