Sunday, April 5, 2009

Final Solution

In 1938, Adolf Hitler came with an answer to get rid of the Jews throughout Europe along with other races that were believed to be sub-human, including the Slavs, Gypsies, Homosexuals, the mentally ill and disabled. The answer resulted in what was viewed by the whole world as holocaust and massive genocide of human beings. This answer was called the Final Solution.

Now was the Final Solution really the final solution? Ironically what were considered sub-human were annihilated by what was inhuman. Not even a human, if I may say. We concern so much about whether some people are at the same level as we are, and who are not. We concerned so much about this superiority and inferiority. But have we ever concerned about our moral values? We are not any better than anybody. Who are we to put judgements on people?

Then, what if science discovered a genetic cure for the moral defects of mankind? Sin would no longer be an option. The world would be a better place. Or so it seems.

Will this be the Final Solution to all the problems in society?


  1. Ren, "what if science discovered a genetic cure for the moral defects of mankind?" itu pertanyaan retoris bukan?

    Soalnya gue di pemikiran kalo moral defects itu gak akan bisa disembuhin kecuali dunia kiamat.

  2. Haha iya. Ceritanya kan gw nanya: "Will this be the Final Solution to all the problems in society?" itu dengan nada2 yg agak skeptis gimana gitu :p Seandainya teknologi yang kita kejar2 itu bisa nyelesaiin akar masalah di society. They are searching for solutions of problems in society, nyatanya problem itu ga bakal bisa abis.
