Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yes, this is a dedication for you

Not trying to become so melancholic, but right now I do feel I need to say some things about all my friends. And to all my friends. I need to say sorry, to say thank you, to say I love you, to say you're amazing, to say you're everything, that I might not be able to express it to you all one by one without missing anyone. But if you ever read my blog, and this posting, yes, you're it. You are exactly who I am talking about here. You are one of the wonderful friends that has filled my life with all that it has to offer me. You are one of the amazing friends from which I learn about many things -life and death, meet and farewell, coming and going, love and hate, heartache and forgiveness, sadness and joy, loneliness and togetherness, indifference and care, desperation and hope, past and future and dream -all. And because of you, I am rich. You might not realize it, but trust me, you are one of those people who has made me who I am today. You are one of those people who have peeled me off my skins, dig deep down inside of me, help me to find myself.

It is, a blessing to have friends like you in my life; and to be called your friend, is my privilege. You might have walked away, and some of you might have stayed; some might have been staying, and the others will still stay. But to every single one of you -for the time we have spent together and for the time we will spend, to ever have you in this rich life is a blessing I wouldn't want to trade.

Renny :)

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