Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Perhaps what was said by these two people about soulmate are quite true:

"When your soul finds another soul, it can recognize even before the rest of you knows about it..but sometimes you have to let that person go. When you are a little, people, movies, and fairy tales -all tell you that one day you're going to meet this person. So you keep waiting and it's a lot harder than they make it sound. Then you meet and you think, 'Okay, now we can just get on with it,' but you find out that sometimes your soulmate has other ideas about that."
- Francesca Lia Block

"People think a soulmate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soulmate is a mirror, the person that shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soulmate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soulmate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soulmates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.

A soulmate's purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master."
- Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

Part of me thinks this is quite true. That at the end of the time, the one we are spending the rest of our lives with may not be necessarily our soulmates -though it may be. But whatever it is, deep down inside I do hope, that once I find the one, I wouldn't have to let him go. Somehow I'm sure that I just wouldn't be willing to lose that person ever again no matter what. For this is what I'm afraid of: to find someone but to lose him at the end of the time. Even if it's not that I can promise him anything better by staying at my side. Call me selfish, call me mean. But which one is more idealist: to think that you should hold on to someone you really love no matter what, or to think that to love someone doesn't mean you need to have him/ her?

1 comment:

  1. Pertama, soulmate, menurut gue, satu orang di satu waktu yang terasa paling cocok buat kita. Dan karena orang berubah, soulmate bisa berubah. Cuma di seumuran kita, seberapapun gedenya perubahan itu, kayaknya udah kebentuk polanya.

    Dari yang dibilang Elizabeth Gilbert, soulmate itu: "probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake".

    Menurut gue, itu justru penting banget buat jadi kriteria pasangan di jangka panjang,,soalnya disaat yang sama, selain ngerasa cocok, juga bikin saling bertumbuh. Jadi, selain ngerasa nyaman,, juga bisa ngedorong untuk keluar dari zona nyaman, untuk bisa berubah, bahkan sampe bisa
    "make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master."

    Bukannya itu yang bisa jadi alesan buat bareng dalam jangka waktu lama?
    > to provide comfort, to show that comfort is not always good, terakhir, to remind about life-long quest of divine truth(s).

    Dan pas dia bilang "nah..too painful", itu menurut gue karena enggak semua orang mutusin buat sama soulmate-nya. Dan itu kayaknya tergantung pengalaman unik tiap orang, sama kejadian-kejadian apa gitu pas dia bareng sama si soulmate.

    Tapi menurut gue, harusnya semua orang milih pasangan yang sebisa mungkin soulmate-nya dia.

    Oiya, tentang bagian terakhir, menurut gue when we love someone, kita perlu sebisa mungkin sama dia. Biar enggak selingkuh.

    Omongan "we dont have to have the person we love" cuma buat bikin kita, pas lagi desperate; ngerti kalo emang enggak semua relationship will work out.

    >>Oke, selesai sok tahu-nya. Jadi keterusan. Hehehe.
